Potato Croquettes

Serves 4-6 as an appetizer


350 g Yukon gold potatoes
100 g Comte, grated
Kosher salt
1 egg, separated
AP flour (enough to flour the croquettes)
Panko (enough to bread the croquettes)
EVOO (enough to fry the croquettes; I did 2 inches deep in a small saucepan)
Pesto or whatever sauce you want.


Add the potatoes to a large pan and cover with at least 1 inch of water. Bring to a simmer and cook until you can pierce them very easily with a knife.

Peel and mash potatoes (I use a tamis.) Add the cheese and mix to combine. When cool enough that it won’t cook the yolk, add the yolk and mix well.

Shape the dough into logs weighing 40 g, about 1 in diameter by 3 inches long.

Setup a breading station: one bowl with flour, one bowl with egg white, and one with panko. Heat oil to 350˚F. I usually heat to 380˚F before adding them because the temp drops. Adjust heat to maintain at least 350˚F. Fry until browned. Use a spider to remove them from the oil, and set on a paper towel-lined baking sheet. Hit them with some kosher salt.


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